During this time and as a school we seek to provide resources to our current families and families outside of our school. Our Teach-Me Tuesday Distance Learning Series is comprised of tips for learning, elective mini-classes, and more. We hope that you take a moment to look at our previous posts and enjoy today’s post as well.
Last week you learned how to do The Charleston Dance, hopefully you had a lot of fun! If you happened to capture it on video please tag us on social media @hopeacademync we would love to see and share!
HOPE Academy’s aim is to first glorify God in all that we do, and because of that students and families at our school are known. We consider it a gift to be able to pour into our school community and offer electives that will spur on the passion and excitement for learning.
We realize that a lot of our country have recently started distance learning. Due to HOPE Academy’s unique University-Model® our students are learning at home with curriculum provided by our school. Though there are still differences in transitioning all of our learning to distance learning we do have some experience and would love to share some tips with you today!
If you are new to at home learning, check out this video for the basics of how to stay organized, focused, and efficient at home. Remember to get up and move, get creative, and have fun!
We would love to hear some of your tips whether you are a current HOPE family or not. Please post a comment below if you have a question about at home learning or anything you heard in our video.
Also, if you haven’t checked out our other Teach Me Tuesday – Digital Learning posts head HERE now.