How does Grow HOPE impact tuition?

Tuition is the school’s primary source of income, providing for the strategic direction of the school and supporting the hiring and retention of inspiring teachers. Tuition increases annually to account for inflation and continued excellent mission delivery.

When will the Lower School building be completed?

The milestone to begin construction on the Lower School building is once we have raised $2.3 million.

Are sponsorship or naming opportunities available?

We would be happy to discuss ways to honor or memorialize a member of your family through a permanent recognition within the new buildings.

Will HOPE accept pledges?

HOPE is currently accepting pledges over a three-year period. Please visit Ways to Give for more information.

How are the Grow HOPE funds being used?

85% of donations will be used to fund a capital campaign, specifically for the addition of two prefabricated, modular buildings. 15% of donations will continue to fund annual initiatives like tuition assistance and enhancements to the student experience through the Grow HOPE Annual Fund.

What is the total budget for this project?

The current estimate for construction, site prep, and furnishing of the Upper and Lower School buildings is approximately $4 million. Due to the historical generosity of our community, HOPE has been saving funds dedicated to future space for over 10 years and will utilize those funds for this endeavor while still maintaining operational reserves.

What is the long term plan?

The Board of Directors will continue to prayerfully pursue the Lord’s leading as it pertains to growth and space. Currently, the Board envisions utilizing the new modular buildings as well as existing classrooms and large group spaces at West Cabarrus Church throughout the duration of our seven-year lease. The next step involves moving the two modular buildings to a permanent location where a school campus can be developed with a gymnasium/auditorium, athletic fields, playgrounds and additional classroom space.

What are the goals of Grow HOPE and the timeline of the campaign?

This Grow HOPE Fundraising Campaign will continue until December 31, 2024 with the goal of raising $3 million.

How is this different from previous Grow HOPE campaigns?

Beginning in 2022, Grow HOPE will continue to support the annual fund and also support a capital campaign for up to two years with the goal of raising $3 million by 2024. One gift will support both capital and annual initiatives.

What are the different ways I might contribute?

HOPE welcomes checks and online credit card payments as well as appreciated assets such as gifts of stock. Also, please contact your company for corporate gift matching opportunities.

How many students will HOPE serve?

HOPE expects to eventually grow to a school of approximately 500 students which is equivalent to two classes per grade, K-12. The new modular buildings will serve over 300 students.