God is on the Move – Go and Share
Today’s blog post comes from the heart of Adriana Bain who, in addition to being a HOPE mom to 3 children (6th grade, 4th grade, and 1st grade), is a blessing to HOPE Academy’s praise and worship team, as the Worship Assistant.
I was 10 years-old when I first accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. My faith was growing and changing, but I didn’t begin to walk closely with the Lord until much later. Early in my marriage, I attended church and small group with my husband. It was at this time that I started to have a closer walk with the Lord and study the Bible, and my faith continued to grow for several years through the birth of my two oldest children. Then, in 2008 something dramatically changed in our marriage.
My husband Brian went away to Atlanta on a men’s retreat called Souly business. The theme of the conference was intimacy with God. Little did we know, as a result of this conference and God at work, both our lives would be blessed with an amazing closeness to the Lord.
While at the conference Brian and other businessmen studied the word and learned more about being Christian leaders in the workplace. Brian began to feel God’s love and he gave his life to Christ fully that weekend. God was on the move.
With all of that was going on in Atlanta, God was speaking clearly to me back home. In a very LOUD voice, God said to me that he wanted me to share my whole self with Brian; the good and the bad. God made it clear that I needed to talk about the disappointments I had with myself in the past as well as my triumphs, and because of my closeness to God, he gave me the desire and boldness to want to share.
When Brian got home that weekend, we were both so “on fire” because God had been at work in our hearts. I was able to share things with him and we were able to connect in a way that words really can’t explain. Through this experience God affirmed me, giving me a sense that I am His and that I am Worthy!
It was so awesome to let go of my past and to hear Brian say that he loved me anyway. Though it was scary to step out in faith with all that was at stake, God took my fears away bringing my husband and I closer than we had ever been.
Knowing that we wanted God in the center of our marriage, we couldn’t wait to tell others about what had happened. Though trials and tribulations arise we cling to God’s promise for our marriage and for our lives.
Earlier this week as I watched the Hope worship team rehearse for their Easter skit, I was reminded of how powerful Mary’s reaction to the empty tomb was. In the skit, Grandma asks the kids, “What did Mary do when she saw that the tomb was empty?” Their replies were: “she cheered”, “she cried”, and “she put on a beautiful dress”. The narrator starts to explain that while she may have done some of those things, Mary’s most important reaction was when she immediately went and shared the news of the empty tomb with Simon Peter and the other disciples. You see she could’ve waited or reacted in fear, but because Mary was so close to God and therefore connected to others, He moved in and through her to share the good news – Jesus has Risen!
Just as God moved in Mary, and moved in our marriage, He is also moving at HOPE Academy.
God moved as I went to 3 Coffee & Curriculum meetings where teachers shared their dedications to our school and children, explained lessons that have been so carefully planned and prayed for our children and the parents of HOPE.
God moved when parents were on our knees crying out to God and thanking Him for what He is doing and will do for our middle school.
God moved inspiring both parents and children by the way the Raymond family is sharing God’s word in Nicaragua. He moved in the hearts of two first graders who prayed for the school in Nicaragua and the children who received the backpacks.
And through all of this he encourages me and each of us to go and share how He is moving in our lives. I pray that this inspires all of us to go and share how God is on the move to everyone you encounter, just as Mary did when she realized God fulfilled that promise and emptied that tomb. Jesus had risen from the dead and was alive. Let’s be like Mary and tell the world!
Psalm 22:22 says “I will declare your name to my brothers; in the congregation I will praise you.”