Here are upcoming events for HOPE Academy, mark your calendars and be sure to check your emails from the HOPE Academy office for more details as these dates approach.
Tuesday, December 1st
Spirit Day – Students can wear HOPE t-shirts and jeans to school
Chicken & Bingo – HOPE dads and kids head to Chick-Fil-A (985 Concord Pkwy S, Concord near the Walmart) at 6:00pm for food, crafts, and fellowship, then play bingo with residents of a nearby retirement community.
Thursday, December 3rd
HOPE Prayer Meeting – Gather with HOPE parents and staff at 8:15am in the Learning Center to pray for our school, staff, students, and any other needs of our community.
Monday, December 7th
After School Clubs for those currently enrolled in a Fall Club/Activity
Tuesday, December 8th
Make-Up sessions for Number Drummer and Number Strummer Clubs (usual time)
Monday, December 14th
Number Drummer Club
Tuesday, December 15th
Culminating Event – At 12:30PM, prior to the performance on December 15, we are hosting a special Grandparents Reception. Invitations and a formal RSVP survey will be sent near the end of this month. This event will also include a Number Drummer and musical performance from K-9th grade students at 1:45PM. Family and friends are encouraged to attend this special celebration.
Wednesday, December 16th
Teacher Workday and Staff Luncheon
Thursday, December 17th
Report Cards Mailed
Friday, December 18th through Friday, January 1st
Christmas Break